Your Favorite Blog Posts of All Time - A TPK Roundup


Hey, ya’ll! How’s life been treating ya?! As for the King household, we’ve spent the last week trying to nurse Eli back to health after he caught some nasty virus. Thankfully, he’s well and back to his energetic 2.5 year old self!

Today’s post is a little more personal, in that I have put together a list of the top blog posts on this site. It’s been so fun blogging these past six years, and I love being able to see what ya’ll loved, as well as walk down memory lane for a bit. Below, I’ve shared your favorite blog posts of all time for each category. Enjoy!


5 Tips on How to Cure Motherhood Burnout

I personally think that ya’ll liked this one because let’s be honest: we moms can easily get burnt out. We try to do and be all the things to everyone in our family. But think about it: how can we be the best moms we can be, if we are not functioning at our best because we are stressed, exhausted and stretched too thin? So I shared five ways we mamas can unburden ourselves and lighten our loads to avoid burnout.

I Stopped Trying to Be the Perfect Mom

I wrote this from a place of feeling MISERABLE in motherhood. And I think ya’ll felt me on this one. I shared this post because I wanted to let you know that you aren’t alone. I want ed to remind you that no one has their stuff completely together. And I wanted to encourage you that if you do let some stuff go, and only focus on the truly important things, that the world will not fall apart. Read if you need to be reminded to breathe, unburden yourself, and stop trying to be the perfect mom.

Mom Fails Tag

Ah, this one made me cringe! I did not like sharing the five ways I’ve failed being a mom (especially that last incident I shared). But it was fun to do this one video style so that ya’ll could put the face and voice with the words on this blog.


Top 5 Favorite Posts

I celebrated 5 years of blogging in 2018, and celebrated by sharing my 5 favorite blogs posts of all time that I’ve published. By the way, comment below if you’ve been here since the beginning when this blog was called Dear Sister!

Our Baby Journey

This was probably my most vulnerable post I’ve ever written. Although I was nervous to share, it knew it was important for me, for the family struggling to get pregnant, and for God to get the glory. At the end of the day, I’m grateful for our story.

Our Story: Fall and Redemption

This is Toby’s and my dating story. There are many days where I am discouraged about how far we have to go, but having this reminder that we are so far from where we used to be is so encouraging! I also love this post because in some parts of the Christian culture, the new Cinderella story is two people on fire for God start a magical courtship that leads to a magical wedding and marriage. No problem with that, and definitely no shade. It just wasn’t our story. I wanted to let people know that God can redeem even the messiest of relationships if He chooses.


How to Create a (Seasonal) Toddler Boy Capsule Wardrobe

I love getting the feedback on this recent blog post! I’ve been so excited to share with ya’ll how I organize Eli’s little toddler clothes because it has truly been a lifesaver for me! So that’s what this post was about: the why and how to create a seasonal toddler boy capsule wardrobe.

This is How We Do: Christmas

I’ve talked about minimalism here on this blog and where I stand on the spectrum (I like to say I have minimalist-ish tendencies, but I wouldn’t go so far as to label myself a minimalist). In 2018 I wanted to simplify my home and life, and one way I can do that is through Christmas. I wanted to be really intentional on making sure that he not only enjoys this time of year, but that he also knows and thinks about what Christmas is all about - and that’s celebrating the birth of Jesus. So we decided to stray from the norm and do things a little different for Christmas.

My Minimalism Journey + Resources to Help You with Yours

I was first introduced to minimalism in 2015 when I stumbled upon capsule wardrobes, and I’ve been kind of hooked ever since! Although I don't truly identify as a minimalist - at least not a textbook minimalist - this is just my journey on learning how to live with less. Plus, I shared some resources on how you can get started.


I haven’t put out much content on family yet, other than what’s below and what’s mentioned in some of the other categories. But stayed tuned because more family stuff will be coming ‘atcha this year!

Praying for Your Man

Wow, I wrote this when Toby and I were newly newly newlyweds! It’s so fun to go back to posts like these. This is also probably my most pinned blog post on Pinterest! In this post, I share four tips on praying for your husband, fiance, or boyfriend.


As with the Family category, I don’t have enough content to make a top 3 list (well, I do, but they are from the early days where I used my blog as a diary). Also, I try to add my faith into almost all of my posts since it’s a big part of my life.

My Picks: Podcasts on Motherhood and Faith

Being a busy mama, I’ve really come to love listening to podcasts since early last 2018. It’s a great way for me to get out of my own thoughts, learn something new, as well as not be nose deep into my phone. I love that I can multitask - wash dishes, make breakfast, play with Eli - and still get some great tips on faith and how I can apply it to motherhood. So here is a list of some of my favorite podcasts.


I’m starting to sound like a broken record here, but I also don’t have much content in this category - yet. I am so excited that I will adding more this year on tips for working from home and starting a virtual assistant business. By the way, did you know I have a great freebie for you to help you launch your virtual assistant business?

How I Became a Virtual Assistant in Two Weeks

I’ve been a virtual assistant for a little over a year, and I get asked quite frequently how I got started. In this blog post, I break down how I became a virtual assistant in 15 days (two weeks)!

So there ya have it: the top blog posts on this site! I really enjoyed doing this post, and getting to bring to light some of the older content on this space.

Let me know: what was your favorite blog post? Did it make the list above?