My Goals + Word for 2020


Happy 2020! Ya’ll. We are in a whole new DECADE! That just blows my mind (especially the fact that by the end of this decade, I’ll be in my late 30’s. Say whaaat?!).

I know I haven’t been on here much in 2019 (running a business, chasing a toddler, and getting pregnant will do that to ya…oh, BTDubbs, I’m pregnant!), but the year seriously flew by!

My 2020 Goals

While I usually do a recap of my goals at the end of each year, before sharing my new goals I’ve decided not to do that this year. While I did hit some goals (and I am totally okay with that), I’ve also decided to keep the same goals for this year. And instead of reiterating those goals (you can find them here in last year’s post), I am just going to share what my goals are for the next 12 weeks based off of the 12 Week Year.

Basically, instead of trying to take the full year to conquer your goals, you break your goals down into 12-week increments, or about 3 months, so that you don’t procrastinate on your goals. I kind of did this last year without realizing it, but the 12 Week Year actually encourages you to choose just 1-3 of your goals, get more specific on each of them, and track your progress each week. This definitely vibes with my semi-Type A personality.

So onto my three goals I’ll be focusing on for the next 12 weeks!

The big yearly goals that these stem from are:

  • Be a more intentional mom

  • Create more (passive) streams of income

Goal 1: Create two passive streams of income.

The second Baby King will arrive late Spring, and I would love to take a 12 week maternity leave. While I still have my business, I would love to have additional income to support us while I am not actively working.

Based on the 12-week format, my goals for each week are:

  • Work three times a week on a paid product calendar

Goal 2: Hit x amount of views a month on my blog.

I mentioned this on an Instagram Story before, but I would love to monetize my blog this year! One way to make that happen is to get my viewership up.

Goals for each week:

  • Publish one blog post a week

  • Do all of the social media things related to promoting a blog post

2020 goals.png

Goal 3: Prepare for Baby King

Again, we are having a baby, folks! This is not a drill! But in all seriousness, these weeks have flown by and Baby will be here before we know it. I would like to prepare as much as possible (especially since we are waiting until the birth to find out the gender!). I also want to take this time to prepare Eli well for becoming a big brother and having to share Mommy and Daddy. So I’m trying to soak in all the time we have with him being an only child.

Goals for each week:

  • I’m still working this one out, but so far all I have is to go by a weekly “preparing for baby” type checklist

  • Save x amount of money towards a second car

Now, onto my word for the year.

Word for 2020

I’ll be honest and admit that I wrestled with God on this word. I SO did NOT want this to be my word. But here it goes…

My word for 2020 is surrender.

word for 2020.png

Gosh, that word scares me! I was telling my accountability partners that the word “surrender” scares me because I actually have to do it. I am so used to doing everything on my own. If I break it down even more and get completely honest, I am so used to trusting and relying on me so much better than God. I don’t really trust that He will truly have my back or give me the desires of my heart. Sounds yucky, right?!

So while I don’t want surrender to be my word of the year, it clearly needs to be. One thing that helps me is remembering that when I give birth this year, there will be a moment when I need to completely surrender to the pain and the process of childbirth. Will it be painful and maybe scary at some points? Yes. But it will be absolutely worth it!

*Also, side note: when I had Eli in 2017, my word for the year was relinquish, a synonym of surrender. It was so fitting for that season of my life, just like I am sure surrender will be fitting for this season.

I need to completely surrender my life, my family, my finances, and my business - all the goals I have for this year - over to the Lord and hold this year with open hands.

I am also choosing to surrender my fear of what others think of me, as well as the huge expectations I put on myself.

Although seriously afraid, I am a bit excited to see the Lord’s faithfulness at the end of the year!

Welp, there you have my word of the year! Do you choose a word for the year? I’d love to hear yours in the comments below!

In case you missed it:

My 2019 Goals

My Word for 2019