Quarterly Goal Check-in: What Goals?!


We are halfway through 2020 and what. a. YEAR! My gosh, I feel I’ve seen more happen in the first six months of this year than I have in the last decade. It’s crazy to think that when I posted my goals back in January, none of those would matter by mid-March.

And ya girl thought she was doing good by only planning for the next three months this year instead of my usual yearly goal setting! It truly goes to show that we can plan, but the Lord’s purpose will prevail. (Proverbs 19:21)

As you’ve read in January, my word for the year is surrender. Super fitting, right?!

With they being said, I’m surrendering my goals to the Lord again. None of my last goals happened (besides birthing a baby!), and I feel like I need to re-evaluate the original goals I had for the year.


I am still doing my goals based off of the 12 Week Year. While I (clearly) don’t know what will happen in the next 90 days (Lord, please let these months be good to us!), these goals are still things I can strive toward no matter what may come.

The big yearly goals that these stem from are:

  • Becoming a well-watered woman (a woman deeply rooted in God’s Word)

  • Being more intentional

  • Creating more (passive) streams of income

So onto my four goals I’ll be focusing on for the next 12 weeks!

Goal 1: Intentionally pray daily

While I say a quick prayer for my family daily, I want to be more intentional and specific, as well as pray for other areas. I’ve started working on my prayer life over the past couple of weeks, and I can tell you that I’ve already seen such a big difference - not just in my circumstances, but in my heart and desire for God’s Word.

Based on the 12-week format, my goals for each week are:

Goal 2: Read the word dAily

Since the start of this year, I have been trying to be intentional about reading the Bible. After having Ezra, I’ve tried to be even more intentional and read the Bible daily with the help of reading plans from She Reads Truth and Well-Watered Women Co. I haven’t always succeeded. But for the past two weeks, I’ve been able to get in the Word daily simply because the Lord is growing my heart in this area (therefore I take NONE of the credit). Some days I am able to just read a verse and try to meditate on that. Other days, I may be able to get a chapter in. One thing I refuse this year is rush through my reading time. If I have to stay on a verse or chapter for a while, I am perfectly okay with that!

Based on the 12-week format, my goals for each week are:

  • Read through my reading plans


Goal 3: ConTinuing to cultivate family RHYTHM

Creating a family rhythm has been something I am passionate about and have been working on since the start of last year. I want to be more intentional in how I spend time with my family, how I relate to my family, how we raise our kids, and how we add margin and slow down. With everyone spending way more time at home, and me coming out of survival mode after having a baby, this is the perfect time! I want to look back on these days with fond memories and confidently say that we savored every moment (even the hard ones!).

Based on the 12-week format, my goals for each week are:

  • Have a Sabbath each week

  • Have social media free weekends

  • Have intentional one-on-one time with each son

Goal 4: generAte more inCome and build up a storehouse

One thing this pandemic has taught me is how important it is to have multiple streams of income and to save for rainy days and months. While I don’t want to act in panic, I want to be wise like the ants and store my provisions now for harvest later (Proverbs 6:6-8). Also, I want to be able to help those in need with the abundance I’ll have.

Based on the 12-week format, my goals for each week are:

  • Have at least one client prospect a week

  • Stock up on canned goods and nonperishables

  • Open a new savings account and put a certain amount in there

  • Work on container garden (this one is a maybe… ya girl doesn’t have a green thumb at all, and I am not sure if I am stretching myself thin with this project. Maybe I can convince Toby that this would be the perfect father-son project, ha!)

So those are my goals for the year! Tell me: are you still working on your goals, or is goal-planning cancelled for 2020?!