It's Been a Long Time...

... Shouldn't have left you without a dope beat to step to...

Ya'll. I so did not mean to leave this space for so long. I actually didn't plan on leaving this space at all. I fully intended to blog through and about my pregnancy and life as a new mama, and then life just happened! I don't even know where to begin to catch you guys up. If you've been following me on Instagram, then you got a glimpse of what life has been like for me lately! For now, I'll just say as I sit next to my (finally!!!) sleeping four month old Elijah at 10 p.m. (all the praising hand emojis!), I am beyond grateful for this beautiful, messy, sanctifying journey called motherhood.

I'm still in shock that I am a mom! A MOM, ya'll!

So, what does all this mean for this little space?

Well, for one, I know you've probably noticed some slight design changes. The content is changing as well. For the past four years, this place has been where I shared my life and what I felt God placed on my heart. I will still share my life, to an extent, but I also want to provide valuable information on what I learn in motherhood, faith, simplicity, and budgeting. This actually stems from the goals I' had written in my PowerSheets for 2017. Knowing that I was having a baby this year, I wanted to keep my goals simple and intentional. Knowing that I will still be adjusting to motherhood in 2018, my goals will remain the same:

  • Thrive in my role as a mama
  • Spend more time in the Word
  • Simplify my home and life
  • Move toward debt freedom
  • Love on Toby well (I won't be blogging about this, but this is one of my goals on my PowerSheets)
There ya have it. What better way to be held accountable than to just put it out there on the internet, right? I hope you guys are just as excited as I am about this journey, and I am so excited to get back to this place! I seriously missed ya'll!

Feel free to leave my any questions and/or ideas on topics you want to see here. I really want to make this place become a community where we can encourage one another!