Happy New Year, friends! I can't believe we are already in 2018! I am so excited to be back blogging and seeing what the Lord has in store for this space this year.

If you've been around this space for quite some time, then you already know that each year I follow along with Lara Casey and the PowerSheets gang and get to goal setting for the year. I also choose a word for the year each year (more on that in my next post. But if you follow me on Instagram, you already know my word for 2018).  I mentioned in my last post that my goals for 2018 are pretty much the same as last year's goals. Using Lara's helpful prompts, below I go into detail on what those goals are, why I chose them, and the initial steps I am taking to get 'em done! This is a long post, so get cozy!

Photo by Whispering Willow Portraits

Goal 1: Thrive in my role as a stay-at-home-mama.

I want to find a way to stay at home with my baby boy, as well as generate an income on the side.


God trusted me with this little soul, and I want to do all I can to bring him to Jesus and cultivate his little heart for the Lord and others. Can I do that with a job outside of the home? Sure, but I don't want to miss these precious moments because he is only this little once! I also want to bring in income to take some of the financial burden off of Toby and to help us get out of debt quicker.

The positive effect taking action on this goal may have on my life and others:

A close relationship with my baby, freedom to dictate my own schedule, and getting that much closer to getting out of debt.

How I will feel at the end of this year having made progress on this goal:

Present, nurturing and like what I do as a mom truly matters.

Starting steps:

1. Pray for the Lord's guidance in this area. 2. Create a *loose* daily schedule. 3. Make a list of intentional "anchors" for my home.

How I will know I have accomplished or made progress on this goal:

Each day I am able to stay home, I know I'm making progress! Ha!

Encouraging words:

Your greatest contribution to the kingdom of God may not be something you do but someone you raise.

- Andy Stanley

How I will celebrate at the end of 2018:

Not sure yet! Any ideas?

Goal 2: Read and pray through the Bible.

Like Lara mentioned for her goals, I want to pray the Word of God while reading the Bible App's Chronological reading plan. I also want to get back into journaling my prayers,


To grow my faith and my walk with Christ, as well as continue to get to know Him and His Word through His Word. I also want to memorize and stamp Scriptures on my heart so they can easily come to mind in times of need.

The positive effect taking action on this goal may have on my life and others:

My faith, and prayerfully the faith of those around me, will grow.

How I will feel at the end of this year having made progress on this goal:

 Rooted, matured, and at rest in God's Word.

Starting steps:

1. Read through today's Chronological reading plan. 2. Join Nicole and Austin's #myprayersonpaper initiative. 3. Set up my 2018 prayer journal.

How I will know I have accomplished or made progress on this goal:

 Each day I will make progress in the Bible App, as well as record my prayers in my journal.

Encouraging words:

Your word is a lamp to my feet and a light to my path.

- Psalm 119:105

How I will celebrate at the end of 2018:

 Not sure yet! Any ideas?

Photo by STIL on Unsplash

Goal 3: Simplify my home and life.

Continuing on my journey of minimalism through decluttering and contentment.


 To learn contentment and to steward what the Lord has given me wisely. This includes using my time well and stopping the "glorification of busy." I want to teach Eli to have a grateful heart and to be content with enough. This will also help with me progress toward financial freedom. Also, I refuse to have so much  stuff that I have to spend a whole weekend in the house cleaning (anyone else go through this growing up?!).

The positive effect taking action on this goal may have on my life and others: 

My family and I will hopefully have grateful, content and joyful hearts in what the Lord has given us. We won't feel the need to try to keep up with the Jones'.

How I will feel at the end of this year having made progress on this goal:

 Free and content.

Starting steps: 

1. Pray for the Lord's guidance in this area. 2. Make a list of all areas of my life that need to be simplified and/or decluttered. 3. Make a list of ways I can simplify each area of my life.

How I will know I have accomplished or made progress on this goal:

 I will have more time and energy to focus on my family and what truly matters. I will spend less time cleaning and organizing all the things. I will not be feeling the pressure to keep up with anyone.

Encouraging words:

Going back to a simpler life is not a step backward.

- Yvon Chouinard

How I will celebrate at the end of 2018:

 Not sure yet! Any ideas?

Goal 4: Move toward financial freedom.

We took Dave Ramsey's Financial Peace University back in March 2016 and ever since then, it has been my goal to become debt free! This is most likely a 2018 and 2019 goal, but I want to shorten that timeline to financial freedom as much as possible!


 I want to steward our money well, and to teach our children the same. I want them to have healthy money habits, and it starts with their parents having healthy money habits. I want them to learn to live within their means, and to have a content and grateful heart. I want to be able to live and give like no one else. Also if, God forbid, anything were to happen to me (or Toby), I don't want to leave my family with such a financial burden.

The positive effect taking action on this goal may have on my life and others:

We will be that much closer to being debt free! Our family will cultivate grateful and content hearts and have established healthy financial habits.

How I will feel at the end of this year having made progress on this goal:

 So much freedom - like a weight has been lifted off of my shoulders!

Starting steps: 

1. Get with Toby and do a comprehensive review of our finances and set a specific goal to work toward. 2. Make a budget for January with Toby. 3. Choose a way to track our budget.

How I will know I have accomplished or made progress on this goal:

 We will be spending less, and putting more toward savings and debt.

Encouraging words:

Live like no one else now so later you can live like no one else.

- Dave Ramsey

How I will celebrate at the end of 2018:

 Not sure yet! Any ideas?

So there ya have it ladies (and gents?)! I'm really excited about these goals, and how the Lord will guide me in each of them.

Also, I want to know what your goals are for 2018. Share your goals below (and if you want to, your 'why' as well), or leave some tips on how I can knock out my goals, and let's cheer each other on!