
If you have stuck around this blog for the past couple of months this summer, you'd know that one of my heart's desires is to be part of a community that desires to live for God and that I could "do life" with. And God has truly been faithful: from the apartment warming to people coming over to our apartment just about every week to getting to have lunch with friends to finding a new church that seems to really focus on community, I am in awe of faithful God has been to this girl's desire!

This weekend, I had plans to go to a sweet newlywed's apartment warming, but at the last minute, circumstances wouldn't allow me to go. *sigh* But I had my sweet friend, who was in Texas all summer, come over with her new beau and we had a great time! So much so that we got together for church yesterday and went out to brunch after! We talked for hours and the conversations were nothing short of edifying and pure, and I loved that! We ate, laughed, and listened to music together and I remember just sitting there like " I could do this all of the time. This is what I want my kids to see. I want them to learn hospitality and the importance of fellowship with other believers."

I don't know why community is on my heart. But I believe it was put there by God and that He is going to be faithful in helping me find or create one. Psalm 37:4 says:

 Delight yourself in the LORD and he will give you the desires of your heart.

I wholeheartedly believe that when your desires come from God, they line up with His Word, and He will grant them. There's a purpose behind this community thing. I may not know what it is now, but I trust I will know in due season. Until then, I am going to bask in the faithfulness of my God with open arms and say, "bring on the people!" Haha. 

How have you seen the faithfulness of God this weekend? Has He put community in your heart lately?