Now What?!

Happy Hump Day, my

Dear Sisters


Since I have announced yesterday that I was making changes to this blog, I've felt this sense of freedom. I can pretty much put on here just about anything. Yet, with that freedom I have come to ask myself: what in the world do I want to write about? What type of content should be on this blog? How often will I post? How much info about my life do I want to post?

While I am still trying to get used to and figure out this whole blogging thing, I do have a few ideas of what I want:

To encourage my sisters in Christ.

I want this to be a place where you can be uplifted in some sort of way. I know that life can get to us sometimes. We all need reminders that everything will be okay. We all need to remember that we are valuable, beautiful, smart, fearfully made women, who Jesus loves so much.

To be transparent and relatable.

How transparent, exactly? I'm not entirely sure. Yet, I want you ladies to get to know the goofy, hyper, sweet, smart, clumsy, moody, etc Tiffany. I want to share my triumphs, struggles, and thoughts. I want you to read my post and think, "Okay, so I am not the only one that thinks that way, feel that way, been through that..."

To get to know



I've had 22 years to learn about myself so far, and I have plenty more years to go. I can't wait to look back and see how far I have come: in terms of becoming a woman, continuing my growth in my relationships, and in writing. 

To bring God the glory.

Most importantly, I want to use this platform to point to Jesus Christ. My transparency, relatability, and growth will be used to glorify Him. He is my life, so don't be surprised that I talk about Him often. I want to look back on this blog and say, "Wow! Thank you Father for continuing to show your faithfulness. Thank you for stretching me, challenging me, and allowing me to grow." 

Welp, that's all I have so far! Let me know if there is anything you want me to write about. Just comment below or shoot an email to Two more days until Friday, where we can begin to break the chains of people bondage one link at a time!

Love you, sis!
