2021 Word of the Year + Goals


I know I am a month late, but Happy New Year, friends! I have so many emotions about 2020 (don’t we all?!), but instead of focusing on the past, I’m so excited to look ahead to the future.

So today we are gonna talk about my goals and word for the year for 2021.

I usually have my word and goals decided upon around November. But in true 2020 fashion, things were a bit different - I just couldn’t decide on where I wanted to aim my focus in 2021. So, days before the new year, I ordered and enlisted the help of PowerSheets. I hadn’t ordered nor used PowerSheets since I was pregnant with Eli, so I was excited to use this method of goal planning again. I really took my time (despite my Type A personality screaming at me that I already missed the January 1st “deadline” for goal setting), and gave myself grace and space to set my own pace. (Ya girl got bars! I kid.)

Anyways, on to my word of the year and goals!

Word Of the year: delight

While I hopefully plan to talk more about this throughout the year, I’ll just say this for now: I chose the word delight because I want to truly enjoy my life. I want to delight in my people and my Lord. After a year like 2020, I want to sprinkle moments of delight daily in my life and family. May 2021 be a year of great joy - of great DELIGHT!



I usually go into depth about each of my goals, but I’m keeping it simple this year. However, I will be sharing in my weekly newsletter how I break these goals down into monthly goals, so be sure to sign up below if you’re interested in following my progress.

Goal 1: Be a joy-filled, tender, and discipling mom. My kids’ introduction to Jesus is through me, and the Lord gave me great responsibility in raising up disciples for Him. I also want to get back to being a happy mom (more on that in future blog posts).

Goal 2: Cultivate my marriage. I feel like this is a goal I will have for the rest of my married life, and I love it.

Goal 3: Make our apartment a home. We moved around Christmastime (I know, CRAZY, but what’s a little more crazy to sprinkle on top of 2020, right?!), and I want to make our home a peace-filled refuge where my people can feel loved, secure, and themselves.

Goal 4: Steward our money well. We have some pretty big financial goals for our family, and we want to be super disciplined and intentional in this area!


Goal 5: Pivot and grow a business I am passionate about. Hopefully there will be more to come later in the year!

Goal 6: Become a well-watered woman. My relationship with God is my most important relationship. He sustains all. I need to be close to Him and abide in Him.

Goal 7: Read 12 books this year. This might not seem like a huge number, but it’s huge for me in this season. Fun fact: growing up, I LOVED reading - so much so that I was in a competitive book club in seventh grade. Yup, I was a band geek (I played the trumpet) and a bookworm. Promise not to make fun of me! Anyway, I used to read 1-2 books a week. Now I’m lucky if I read 2 books a year. I’m excited to return back to my love of reading!

Goal 8: Establish and adhere to better tech boundaries. I want to be sure to have a healthy relationship with technology and model that for the boys. I want us to be a closer family and not be distracted by tech.


So there ya have it - my goals for 2021. I’m pretty darn excited to see the progress made by the end of this year!

What are Your 2021 goals?