Bring it, Year Two

Ya'll. It's Tuesday night, and I am just getting to blog in relation to our anniversary. It's been that crazy lately. When I pictured blogging about our anniversary, I imagined having about five (yes, five! Lol) posts dedicated strictly to the most fun journey I have ever been on. But I'm learning that life doesn't necessarily wait to follow my rules! Buuuuuut, I did want to acknowledge the fact that Tobias and I have been married for one whole year as of December 18th. One whole stinkin' year folks! Like, someone bring on the tissue because my heart is broken that I am no longer a newlywed! How has this year gone by so quickly?!

So much has happened in a year. It's been a year of firsts. A year with kisses. A year with snuggles. A year with fights. A year with tears. A year with grace. A year with patience. A year with loss... From saying "I do" to date nights to laugh sessions to cry sessions to a heartbreaking miscarriage to praying together to slow dances in the kitchen to choosing our vows over our flesh, I am thankful for this year and wouldn't change one bit of it. I love this man to eternity and I'm proud to rock Mrs. King for the rest of my life! They say the first year is the hardest, and I just say, in the 7 years we've been together, this might have been one of the easiest. So bring it, Year Two! I'm excited!