Why I'm Not "Too Smart" to be a Stay At Home Mom

This post is inspired by a blog post I read two weeks ago called "To the Girl Who's 'Too Smart' To Be a Stay-at-Home Mom" by the lovely Anna over at She Is Joyful.

She wrote it as a guest post for Sobremesa Stories (here) and I seriously suggest you read it before you read any further on here!

Ya'll. This lady seriously said everything that is on my heart at the moment. Like, has she taken a peek into my quiet time journal?! For those of you didn't read her post, she basically talks about how society makes us, especially those of us who are successful in school, feel like we've wasted our education and lives if we decide to be stay at home moms. We're "too smart" to be using all of our talents for the good of our family instead of out in the workplace.

To be honest, this is something that I have struggled with because I'm the smart girl who has "such a bright future." Like Anna mentioned, it felt embarrassing to say that after you've spent years in school to ultimately desire to "just be a stay at home mom." But I have began to slowly rebel against what society and everyone else says what's right. As long as I am in right standing with God and He approves, I am learning to not get anxious if what I am doing doesn't necessarily make sense to everyone else. I was supposed to be a pediatrician until I shocked everyone and graduated with a Communication degree after spending four years as a Biology major. I was supposed to get married after medical school to a lawyer or doctor or businessman, but I got married at 23 to the love of my life. I am supposed to work a 9 to 5 and bust my tail to climb my way to the top of the corporate ladder, but I have no desire for that at all. Like, none.

This is not to say that I don't want to work, for I am so grateful for my job and I love working (I found that out when I was between jobs for three weeks and about near drove myself and Toby crazy because I needed to work). And this isn't to say that those who work outside of the home, or are successful, driven business women are conforming to society or neglecting the family. I seriously admire those women who can handle major business in the workplace and then turn around and come home with an "S" on her chest and be SuperMom and SuperWife (like, teach me your ways lady!). Like Anna pointed out, one is not more correct than the other. Some moms seriously have that drive to and need to be in the workplace. But for me and my family, I know that it will be best if I spent my hours at home. Knowing me, I will be most definitely working; it will just be from home. I feel like I can serve my family better when my brain isn't fried from a long day at the office. I can best serve when I can work from home, while a load is in the laundry and dinner is in the oven. I can have the chance to see our one-day babies grow up, and not miss a moment of it. I can not feel guilty about leaving my child with someone else for nine hours (because, trust me, I would feel so guilty), then to only spend a couple of hours with them at the end of the day just before bedtime. I want to use my "talents and education" for my family. I want them to feel first place in my heart, after God.

So how and when will this all work out? Who knows, honestly. I am not currently pregnant and we aren't starting a family tomorrow. But we like to plan for the future of our family. Although Toby and I have talked and agreed on this, I am praying to God about all of this to see what He wants me to do. So as of right now, we have a very loose plan, but ultimately it's up to God.

Anyone else felt the same way and felt too embarrassed to admit that you dream of being a stay at home mom? How did you deal with it?