6 Things I've Learned in 6 Months of Marriage + Announcement

Yesterday our marriage reached the six month mark, and in celebration (I am a sucker for milestones, big and small) we are currently tucked away in a hotel spending the weekend totally unplugged from the world and enjoying some quality time and reflecting on the last six months. As I was preparing for this weekend, I thought about what I've learned so far in marriage and wanted to share!

  • Time files by. How, just how are we six months into our marriage already? Like, time slow down! I want to savor every moment of this relationship. One of my biggest fears is blinking and then we are old and gray and time has passed us by. The thought that in just a short six months we will no longer be newlyweds makes me want to cry a little! So cherish your time with one another. 
  • Good couples fight. Fighting is inevitable when you spend 24 hours with someone seven days a week. It was so hard to admit we actually do fight until I read this article, and it was like ahhh, we are not alone! So don't feel bad if you guys fight, just remember that we are to pursue peace so work quickly to resolve it.
  • Finding other married couples is like hitting the jackpot. We don't know many people our age that are married. So when we do meet a couple in their early to mid 20's that are married, we're like yes! What's their number? Let's hang out with them! Let's be friends! Ha!
  • Marriage is a mirror. I kind of saw this when we were dating, but I see it even more now that we are married. You never know how selfish you are until you have to spend the rest of your life with someone. I always say that Toby is the more patient one out of the two of us, but I really began to see it once I had to see it daily! 
  • Setting boundaries is important. Your family wants to come over at all hours and unannounced. Your friends still want you to hang out until midnight. You stay on the phone with your bestie for hours. It happens along with other things, but you have to remember that it is so important to set boundaries to guard and protect your marriage. You must guard that peace in your home and in your relationship. This is probably the hardest part of marriage for me, to be honest!
  • Marriage is the BEST gift. Outside of God sending his son Jesus Christ to die on the cross for us, marriage is seriously the best gift to humanity. You get a best friend and a partner to do life with. Andddd of course, there's sex... Sorry, family! 
So that's what I have learned so far! What have you learned in your marriage? 

Oh, and an announcement: if you are on Periscope (get it, seriously!) I will be doing a live Q&A on Monday night at 8 p.m. EST. You can ask me anything from marriage to blogging to whatever! You can send in questions via the comments below, Twitter (use #allthingsask so I can find the questions easily), Instagram, direct messaging, Facebook, or my email. You can also ask me live during the video. The video will only be available live and then for only 24 hours after I record, so don't miss out! I want you guys to get to know more about me and I want to know ya'll more! Click here to my Twitter page where you can access my Periscope page. See ya'll on Monday!